Horse Transport
From emergency call outs to planned trips out, our experienced drivers are on hand 24/7, taking your horse anywhere in the UK safely and calmly to arrive in a happy, contented manner.
Forest View's Private Horse Transport Service

At Forest View Horse Transport, we pride ourselves on offering a high quality Private Horse Transport Service. This means that when you book with us, not only can you be assured that an experienced horse handler and driver is coming out to you, but that you have sole use of the lorry.
This means both you and your horse benefit from a bespoke 1-2-1 service. Your horse will not be expected to travel with another 'horse-stranger' on route to its destination, so there is no detour on route to collect another horse - meaning less time in transit - and no additional stress if perhaps the new strange horse isn't a 'good' loader. Not to mention the benefit of higher biosecurity measures of travelling alongside an unknown companion.

Using Forest View Horse Transport
As equestrians ourselves we know how stressful life can be without access to reliable transport. Whether it's a last minute vet emergency or simply your own transport has let you down on show day - flat tyres, flat battery, poorly drivers (just to name a few of the reasons we have had a last minute call out) - finding yourself without transport or without a driver when your horse needs to be somewhere is a nightmare we've all faced at one time in our equestrian lives.
But it's not just emergencies, many of our customers want to get out about on their horse to shows, fun rides, camps or just the beach, but don't have transport of their own or the confidence themselves to drive horses.

How much does private hire horse transport cost?
Just like booking a taxi - the price for your horse transport will depend on the length of journey, whether you require us to wait with you (e.g. at a show) and therefore the waiting time, and the time of your journey.
We offer a standard rate for planned journeys under 100 miles and included within this is 30 minutes loading time. Time thereafter will be charged at an hourly rate. Any journeys over 100 miles will also have an additional charge per mile. If we are attending a show or vet visit with you, or waiting time will also be charged at an hourly rate.
Finally, whilst we operate 24/7, 'unsocial hours' call outs (between midnight at 6am) will be charged at a higher rate.
Please contact us either by phone on 07758 129727 or by completing the form below to discuss your requirements
Horse Transport Booking Form